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The Victoria Filipino Canadian Association along with its flagship associations: the Bayanihan Community Centre Society, the Victoria Filipino Canadian Caregivers Association, and the Victoria Filipino Canadian Senior Association are run, operated and managed by pure volunteers. Filipinos from various disciplines and walks of life come together and unselfishly share their time talents and expertise in their own fields to organize events and establish a strong and visible presence in the community.

To celebrate this spirit of unflagging volunteerism, a special day was set aside on November 9, 2014 to recognize all the hard work and effort and time that volunteers give unselfishly to uphold the mission and goals of their respective organizations and express true “Bayanihan” spirit.

Lunch was served at the Centre and was enjoyed by everyone in attendance. Certificates of appreciation was handed to the volunteers.

Four individuals received special recognition for their outstanding services, beyond their membership to their associations. They were:

Nathy Orticio - Bayanihan Outstanding Volunteer Award

Danny Ring - VFCA Outstanding Volunteer award

Mary Jetko - VFCSA Outstanding Volunteer Award

Sarah Lyn Atud - VFCCA Outstanding Volunteer Award

Samantha Claver - VFCA Youth Outstanding Volunteer Award

A big THANK YOU to all volunteers who give of their priceless time, talents and efforts to make our Filipino community events successful!!! May you continuously embody the Bayanihan spirit and show this not only in our community but to the City as well.

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