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Victoria Filipino-Canadian Caregivers Association

On New Year's Eve, 1987, a group of caregivers got together to establish, under the auspices and full support of the Victoria Filipino-Canadian Association, the International Childcare and Domestic Services Association in Victoria. In 2001, the association changed its name to theVictoria Filipino-Canadian Caregivers Association to focus on the caregivers' specific needs.


The caregivers felt that there was a need to have meetings and workshops to discuss topics of childcare standards, domestic services duties, human rights, employer and employee contracts, immigration rules and assertive training.


By February 1989, the association was registered under the Society Act as a non-profit organization with five objectives.


Our Objectives

  • To initiate and promote cultural and recreational traditions, customs and spiritual exchanges between the members and the community at large.

  • To practice charity and unity among members.

  • To uphold the dignity of domestic workers.

  • To promote good citizenship, adherence to law and order, and the understanding of Canadian democracy.

  • To promote education among members.

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