The first year leading to the association's incorporation was a busy one. Besides monthly meetings and educations session, it held its first dance at the Anglican Church Hall in Esquimalt and a Christmas dance at the James Bay Athletic Centre, both in 1988.
Immediately after its incorporation in February 1989, the association began what had now become its annual social activity: the Valentine's Day Dinner-Dance. Highlight of this event is the crowning of Miss Valentine, Mrs. Valentine, and Granny Valentine. In the first few years, funds raised at this and other events went towards sponsoring and helping poor children in the Philippines through World Vision.
In 1989, the association was one of the sponsors of the Second Conference of Filipino-Canadian Associations of British Columbia, March 31 to April 2, and Flora Bariuad was a facilitator for the enlightening workshop on "nannies and New Immigrants".
In 1991, immediately after the Bayanihan Cultural and Housing Society was established, the association became one of its first donors with a $600 donation from its fund-raising efforts. In 2001, the association again stepped forward with a $3,000 donation raised over recent years.