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Victoria Filipino-Canadian Seniors Association

In 1988, a group of new immigrants from the Philippines and Canadian of Filipino ancestry formed the Victoria Filipino-Canadian Golden Age Association under the auspices of the Victoria Filipino Canadian Association. It was founded by Fely Arevalo, Dominador Celeste, Lourdes Celeste, Adoracion Cubangbang, Serafin Cubangbang, Isidoro Emmanuel, Potenciana Emmanuel, with the assistance of Flora Bariuad, Connie Custodio and Nor Gonzales.


In 1989, with the help of Attorney Domingo de Lara, the association finalized its constitution and by-laws and registered with the registrar of societies under the Society Act.  In 1995, the name was changed to Victoria Filipino Canadian Seniors Association (VFCSA) under Connie Hunt.  Through the years, The Board of Officers and members are dedicated volunteers to various services and fund raising activities, and so continues on up to this day.


In August 2013, the VFCSA will celebrate its 25th Anniversary, and a special project was setup to celebrate this event.  We are collecting pictures and articles for our 25th Anniversary Souvenir booklet.  The souvenir booklet will also include the celebration itself and is planned to be published early September.  


Our Objectives are:

  1. To provide a program of social activities in order to enhance the health and well-being of all our members;

  2. To promote our Filipino heritage by sharing experiences, beliefs, ideas, talents and skills; and

  3. To support, participate and cooperate with the Victoria Filipino Canadian Caregivers Association and the Victoria Filipino Canadian Association.

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