Volunteer with Us

The Bayanihan Community Centre depends on selfless volunteers for its operation and programs. The passion, commitment, creativity, and dedication of BCC volunteers are the reason for its success.
As a not for profit organization, Bayanihan uses all its income to fund the centre’s continued existence and specific activities, for the benefit of the community. That income comes from donations, fundraising activities, and occasional rental of centre facilities. Members do not get paid for the services they provide.
What volunteers DO get are:
Satisfaction in serving the community
The opportunity to participate in a wide range of activities
Appreciation for work well done
Togetherness and community
The chance to showcase Filipino hospitality and concern for others
The opportunity to meet new people and renew old ties
The satisfaction that comes from service
Who can volunteer at BCHS?
Anyone can be a volunteer at the centre. All that is required is a caring for the community, a willingness to contribute time and effort without expectation of a financial reward.
Is there a minimum time commitment?
The BCHS is happy to have people volunteering for whatever time they can. There is no minimum time commitment.
Sign up to volunteer at the centre anytime. You can contact any of the board members or email Fredilyne Ruiz at fredruiz@hotmail.com for a friendly chat. We look forward to meeting you.