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Who We Are

The Bayanihan Community Centre is owned and operated by the Bayanihan Cultural and Housing Society (BCHS), a non-profit and registered charitable organization. It is supported by:



The Bayanihan Community Centre is grounded on the ethno-cultural value of bayanihan, or community spirit


















Bayanihan is a Filipino word derived from the word bayan meaning town, nation, or community in general. "Bayanihan" literally means, "being a bayan," and is thus used to refer to a spirit of communal unity and cooperation.


1991:   The Bayanihan Cultural and Housing Society was incorporated, and work started on

             establishing the centre.

2001:   The building was acquired on April 30 the centre was officially opened on November 3.

2007:   On January 2, the centre is official mortgage-free. A mortgage-burning celebration was held                on January 28 to mark the payment of the $225,000 mortgage in just five years.

Mortgage-burning ceremony (left to right) in 2007: Philippine Consul Raul Hernandez from Vancouver; Community Services Minister Ida Chong; then Victoria Mayor Allan Lowe; VFCA president Dominga Passmore; VFCSA representative Meds Ellison; former VFCA president Nina Law; BCHS treasurer and former VFCA president Laila Pires and Victoria Councillor Charlayne Thornton-Joe.

The Centre owes its existence to the combined efforts of the Bayanihan Cultural and Housing Society, Victoria Filipino Canadian Association, Victoria Filipino-Canadian Caregivers Association, and the Victoria Filipino-Canadian Seniors' Association.



The Bayanihan Community Centre aims to be a facility that may be used:

  • For workshops, programs, recreation and other types of activities for the benefit of the Filipino community and the general public.

  • For education, counseling and support services for people in need – including immigrants, refugees, and the poor.

  • For services that include language instruction, employment training, job search programs, translation services and information programs on Canadian culture and life.

  • For providing food and clothing for the needy

  • By various religious traditions for prayer and meditation.

Our Guiding Principles


The Bayanihan Community Centre:

  • Respects the community in which we live, and the laws and regulations that protect citizens

  • Works to preserve, celebrate and highlight Filipino culture and traditions

  • Is welcoming, warm, friendly, gracious and kind to all persons, regardless of race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, abilities, gender and sexual orientation, and economic status

  • Supports families, particularly children and the elderly

  • Is open to people who are disadvantaged and accessible to persons with disabilities

  • Showcases selfless and generous volunteerism and

  • Encourages the proper and efficient use of the centre's facilities, resources and the preservation of a green and clean environment.​









Our Goals


Through the Bayanihan Communicate Centre we aim to:


Goal 1: Celebrate Filipino culture through cultural arts programming and support.

Goal 2: Promote awareness of Philippine history, culture and current events.

Goal 3: Support the growth and daily operations of the Bayanihan Centre.

Goal 4: Provide education, with a focus on immgrants and youth.

Goal 5: Conduct charitable activities for the

Goal 6: Ensure and maintain the organizational health of the VFCA.



To realize these goals, our activities include:


  • Asian Heritage in coordination with UVic

  • Assistance for the sick

  • Assistance to the bereaved

  • Big Bike Ride for the Heart and Stroke Foundation

  • Caroling

  • Collaboration with VFCCA and VFCSA

  • Donations and fundraising campaigns

  • Facilities maintenance programs

  • Feeding the needy

  • Folk dancing

  • Folkfest

  • Food fiesta

  • Foodsafe courses

  • Fund development

  • Ilaw Newsletter

  • Mentoring

  • Philippine Independence Day activities

  • Photo-documentary projects

  • Referrals to ICA and VIRCS

  • Summer camp for youth

  • Sunday lunch

  • Support to ICA and VIRCS and other organizations supporting migrants

  • Supporting disaster relief

  • Training volunteers for leadership roles

  • Venue rentals

  • Victoria Day Parade

  • Welcoming and orienting new migrants

  • Workshops focused on Filipino temporary Workers and new migrants

  • Workshops on Philippine History

  • website

Tax Exemption

The BCHS is granted by the City of Victoria under Section 220 of the Community Charter statutory Tax Exemption.  Its members and patrons are grateful for this support.

ICA - Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria

VIRCS - Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society
BCHS - Bayanihan Cultural and Housing Society

VFCA - Victoria Filipino-Canadian Association

VFCSA - Victoria Filipino-Canadian Seniors Association

VFCCA - Victoria Filipino-Canadian Caregivers Association


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